Women's Center at Aurora BayCare
The Women’s Center at Aurora BayCare focuses on the total health and well-being of women at every stage of life. Creemos que debería poder obtener atención de salud personalizada en un entorno sensible a sus necesidades. That’s why we offer support, education, prevention, diagnosis and the latest treatment options.focuses on the total health and well-being of women at every stage of life. Creemos que debería poder obtener atención de salud personalizada en un entorno sensible a sus necesidades. Por eso ofrecemos apoyo, educación, prevención, diagnóstico y las últimas opciones de tratamiento.
En Aurora BayCare Medical Center, encontrará un equipo de expertos en un entorno que promueve la curación. También se beneficiará de los recursos de primer nivel y las comodidades especiales, que incluyen entornos acogedores, un atrio con un piano de cola, el Greenbrier Café para un refrigerio o comida rápida, y alojamiento familiar.
Además, el Aurora BayCare Medical Center recientemente fue designado como “centro de excelencia” en cirugía ginecológica mínimamente invasiva.
Reproductive Health Services: The Aurora Fertility Center at Aurora BayCare is one of two Aurora facilities that offers reproductive health services. To schedule a consultation, call 920-288-8500.
The Perinatal Center for High-Risk Pregnancy: Our maternal-fetal medicine program provides care for pregnant women who are of advanced maternal age, pregnant with multiples or who have medical conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes. To schedule an appointment or to ask a question at the Perinatal Center, call 920-288-8580.
Birthing Center: Specialized obstetric services include OB/GYN ultrasound, perinatal assessment and prenatal testing, genetics and high-risk pregnancy consultation, Level III neonatal intensive care unit and educational classes about childbirth, breastfeeding and sibling preparation. To schedule an appointment or to ask a question, call 920-288-8000.
Get directions and phone numbers for the Women's Center in Green Bay.
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